Paper: Social buffering of oxidative stress and cortisol in an endemic cyprinid fish

RIBES Early Stage Researcher Sophia Schumann, together with fellow RIBES ESR Gloria Mozzi, and others recentrly published the paper "Social buffering of oxidative stress and cortisol in an endemic cyprinid fish" in the journal Scientifc Reports. In the paper, they present a flume study on the physiological response group size (one, two or six fish) of Italian riffle dace in running water. In the abstract they write:

Fish exhibit complex social behaviours that can influence their stress levels and well-being. However, little is known about the link between social interactions and stress in wild fish, especially in running water environments. While many studies have explored the stress axis in fish, most have focused on specific social contexts, leaving gaps in understanding stress responses to social changes. Our study investigated collective behaviour and stress in wild Italian riffle dace (Telestes muticellus) in a controlled experimental setup simulating a natural river system. Results reveal that group-living fish have lower cortisol and oxidative stress levels in muscle tissue compared to solitary counterparts, suggesting a calming effect of conspecific presence. Additionally, we observed upregulated expression of antioxidant enzymes in group-living fish, indicating potential benefits to antioxidant defence systems. These insights shed light on the dynamic relationship between group behaviour and stress in wild fish within running water habitats and emphasise the use of multidisciplinary approaches.

Access the full paper here: Schumann, S., Mozzi, G., Piva, E., Devigili, A., Negrato, E., Marion, A., Bertotto, D., & Santovito, G. (2023). Social buffering of oxidative stress and cortisol in an endemic cyprinid fish. Scientific Reports13(1), Article 1.

Published on: 24/11/2023