Fish in troubled waters - online!

RIBES is a European Training Network in ecohydraulics working to find solutions for fish protection and river connectivity restoration in anthropogenically altered rivers.  In the network, 15 Early Stage Reseachers were trained in  in the interdisciplinary field of Ecohydraulics to find innovative solutions for freshwater fish protection and river continuity restoration in anthropogenically altered rivers.

To communicate the project objectives and concerns, as well as the work of the Early Stage Researchers involved, a theater show was written and produced together with Faber Teater. In the production process of this show, Faber Teater met with the RIBES ESRs,  as well as several supervisors, to learn about freshwater fish conservation, related management and research issues, as well as the life and drive of the researchers themselves. The work of the theater group, and the the ESRs, resulted in the theater show “Fish in Troubled Waters”. The show itself consisted of stage performances mixed with on-screen documentary visits to selected ESRs

Fish in Troubled Waters premiered on the first evening of the RIBES Final Conference (28 September 2023), in Aula Magna, Politecnico Torino, Italy. A summary video of the show, as well as the short documentaries featuring the Early Stage Researchers, have been made available online.

Access the videos through the following links:

Fish in troubled waters (short summary video):

Visiting Alfredo Schiavon (ESR06):

Visiting Florian Eggers (ESR10):

Visiting Gloria Mozzi (ESR14):             

Visiting Usama Ashraf (ESR08):           

Visiting Velizara Stoilova (ESR15):  

Visiting James Campbell (ESR02):

Published on: 18/12/2023